
Phone: 5982-508-4788

Celular: 598-99-635616



1980 - 1987 Extern Programmer-Analyst at Arnaldo C. Castro S.A.. System Developping for different companies. Consulting. Development of  Inhibit’s Register of the Nation system.

1985 - Now Independent Consultant. System development. From 1993 - GENEXUS.


1983 – Army General Command. Payroll

1994 - Army General Command. Bookkeeping (GENEXUS)

1989 – Weapons and services school. Courses evaluation system.

Commerce and Industry

1989 – 1992 Supermarket’s “El Dorado” Group. System Developping. Consulting.

1985 – 1992 Kaluga S.A. System Developping. Consulting.

Health Care

1988 - 2000 Uruguay-España: System Development. Consulting. Network Administration. Hardware Maintenance. DBA Manager. Quality Management.

1993 - Hospital of Clinics. Surgical Block system development. (GENEXUS – AS400)

1989 – 1996 Doctors Cossio's and Macri's ophthalmological surgical clinic. Consultant. Systems Development.

1996 - Uruguayan´s Health Department Equipment and parts control system. It solved a national grave problem (FOCOEX).


1984 - First Inhibit’s Register of the Nation system